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13. Juli 20201 Min. Lesezeit
Fassaden Digital Symposium 2020
Wir freuen uns beim ersten Fassaden Digital Symposium dabei sein zu dürfen! Die FH Kärnten veranstaltet in Kooperation mit...
110 Ansichten0 Kommentare
1. Apr. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
research: shelters made out of paper
Although our daily life is quite different in times of Corona we still keep working on our projects. Next to our professional projects we...
54 Ansichten0 Kommentare
20. Feb. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
3D-printed facade knot at NextStudio
During this years "5th FACHDIALOG FASSADENPLANUNG" on March 26, we will present the first full-size mock-up of a facade element with 3D...
319 Ansichten0 Kommentare
26. Nov. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
ZIM-Talk at the Beuth Hochschule Berlin
Yesterday we had the chance to present our current Research work in a small workshop for sustainability in Building Industry at the...
39 Ansichten0 Kommentare
20. Nov. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Imagine Computation visits FormNext
Imagine Computation Team visiting the #formnext fair in Frankfurt where a mockUp of one of our Research project was shown as well! A...
33 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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